Browse our Thoughtfully Curated Home and Garden Collection

From enchanting flowerfetti to brass plant misters, seed kits, and more our selection goes beyond the ordinary. Featuring renowned brands like Among the Flowers, Poppy & Pout, Clary Collection, Modern Sprout, Good Flower Farm, Civil Alchemy, and Mimi & August, our products blend quality and style seamlessly.

Neighborlily is the perfect destination to find thoughtful gifts for friends or yourself. Browse our beautiful greeting cards and explore our wall of dried flowers, where you can create your own unique arrangement.

what is your return policy?

We want you to love your purchases! If you've changed your mind or received something that doesn't quite fit your needs, no worries. Unopened and unused items can be returned within 7 days of purchase for an exchange or store credit. While we aim to accommodate all returns, please understand that we may need to assess each case individually. Our goal is to make your shopping experience as delightful as possible, so don't hesitate to get in touch with any questions or concerns. We're here to help!